Table des matières
Ultimaker Cura 4.8 Settings
Cette page rassemble les settings de Cura 4.8 : j'ai des problèmes de migration de la 4.2 (dernière stable à fonctionner correctement avec ma DE200) à la 4.8
Default Settings 4.8
Pour la 4.8 et la DE200, voici les settings de base :
Start G-Code :
;Begin Start Gcode for Dagoma DiscoEasy 200 ;Sliced: {date} {time} ;Initial extruder: {initial_extruder_nr} G90 ;Absolute positioning M106 S255 ;Fan on full G28 X Y ;Home stop X Y G1 X100 ;Centre back during cooldown in case of oozing M109 R{material_standby_temperature} ;Cooldown in case too hot G28 ;Centre G29 ;Auto-level M104 S{material_print_temperature_layer_0} ;Pre-heat M107 ;Fan off G0 X100 Y5 Z0.5 ;Front centre for degunk M109 S{material_print_temperature_layer_0} ;Wait for initial temp M83 ;E Relative G1 E10 F200 ;Degunk G1 E-3 F5000 ;Retract G0 Z3 ;Withdraw M82 ;E absolute G92 E0 ;E reset G1 F6000 ;Set feedrate ;Finish Start Gcode for Dagoma DiscoEasy 200
End G-Code :
;Begin End Gcode for Dagoma DiscoEasy 200 M106 S255 ;Fan on full M104 S0 ;Cool hotend ;M140 S0 ;Cool heated bed G91 ;Relative positioning G1 E-3 F5000 ;Retract filament to stop oozing G0 Z+3 ;Withdraw G90 ;Absolute positioning G28 X Y ;Home M109 R{material_standby_temperature} ;Wait until head has cooled to standby temp M107 ;Fan off M18 ;Stepper motors off ;Finish End Gcode for Dagoma DiscoEasy 200
Settings 4.2 (fonctionnent correctement)
Start G-Code :
G90 ; Absolute positioning M106 S255 ; Fan on full G28 X Y ; Home stop X Y G1 X50 ; Center back during cooldown in case of oozing (50??) M109 R90 ; Cool down in case too hot G28 ; Center M104 S{material_print_temperature_layer_0} ; Pre-heat G29 P3 ; Auto-level, 9 points M107 ; Fan off G1 X100 Y20 F3000 ; Front center for degunk. G1 not G0?? G1 Z0.5 M109 S{material_print_temperature_layer_0} ; wait for initial Temp M82 ; E absolute G92 E0 ; E Reset G1 F200 E10 ; Degunk G92 E0 ; Extruder reset G1 Z3 ; Withdraw G1 F6000 ; Set feedrate
End G-Code :
M107 ; Fan off M104 S0 ; Stop Heating (Temp to zero) M106 S255 ; Fan to Max M140 S0 ; Bed Temp to zero (useless on DE200) G91 ; Set all axes to relative G1 E-1 F300 ; Retract by 1 (E) G1 Z+3 F3000 ; Move up by 3 (Z) G90 ; Set all axes to absolute G28 X Y. ; Go to origin on X Y axes M107 ; Fan off M84 ; Disable Steppers M82 ; absolute extrusion mode M104 S0 ; Stop Heating again...
ultimaker_cura_4_8_settings.txt · Dernière modification : 2021/02/21 15:20 de jerome