# this is an example config file for pcb2gcode. # place this in the same directory as your gerber files to save typing # You may want to uncomment and change those in local project files #front=Gen7Board.front.gbr #back=Gen7Board.back.gbr #drill=Gen7Board.plated-drill.cnc #outline=contour.back.gbr #verbose # parameters for isolation routing / engraving / etching zwork=-0.05 zsafe=1.5 zchange=15 mill-feed=75 mill-speed=1000 # parameters for cutting out boards cutter-diameter=1.4 zcut=-1.6 cut-feed=50 cut-speed=1000 cut-infeed=1 # drilling parameters zdrill=-1.6 drill-feed=50 drill-speed=1000 #offset=0.006 # generate voronoi regions offset=1.0 dpi=1000 #max-deviation=0
millproject.txt · Dernière modification : 2020/01/05 11:20 de jerome