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martian_ii [2019/06/10 22:18] – créée johanmartian_ii [2024/03/30 22:50] (Version actuelle) jerome
Ligne 3: Ligne 3:
 ===== config ===== ===== config =====
- * **Frame** : [[https://www.banggood.com/Anniversary-Special-Edition-Martian-215-215mm-Carbon-Fiber-FPV-Racing-Frame-Kit-136g-p-1180757.html?rmmds=search&cur_warehouse=CN|Martian II Anniversary Edition]] +  * **Frame** : [[https://www.banggood.com/Anniversary-Special-Edition-Martian-215-215mm-Carbon-Fiber-FPV-Racing-Frame-Kit-136g-p-1180757.html?rmmds=search&cur_warehouse=CN|Martian II Anniversary Edition]] 
- * **Moteurs** : [[https://www.drone-fpv-racer.com/moteur-emax-rs-2205-2300-kv-race-spec-558.html|Emax RS2205 2300kv]] +  * **Moteurs** : [[https://www.drone-fpv-racer.com/moteur-emax-rs-2205-2300-kv-race-spec-558.html|Emax RS2205 2300kv]] 
- * **ESC** : [[https://www.banggood.com/4X-DYS-Aria-BLHeli_32bit-35A-35amp-Brushless-ESC-3-6S-Dshot1200-Ready-Built-in-Current-Meter-Sensor-p-1187402.html?rmmds=myorder&cur_warehouse=CN|DYS Aria 35A]] +  * **ESC** : [[https://www.banggood.com/4X-DYS-Aria-BLHeli_32bit-35A-35amp-Brushless-ESC-3-6S-Dshot1200-Ready-Built-in-Current-Meter-Sensor-p-1187402.html?rmmds=myorder&cur_warehouse=CN|DYS Aria 35A]] 
- * **FC** : [[https://www.wearefpv.fr/betaflight-f4-fc-20170914/|Betaflight F4]] +  * **FC** : [[https://www.wearefpv.fr/betaflight-f4-fc-20170914/|Betaflight F4]] 
- * **Rx** : [[https://www.banggood.com/FrSky-R-XSR-Ultra-SBUSCPPM-D16-16CH-Mini-Redundancy-Receiver-1_5g-for-RC-Multirotor-FPV-Racing-Drone-p-1186057.html?rmmds=search&cur_warehouse=GWTR|Frsky R-XSR]] +  * **Rx** : [[https://www.banggood.com/FrSky-R-XSR-Ultra-SBUSCPPM-D16-16CH-Mini-Redundancy-Receiver-1_5g-for-RC-Multirotor-FPV-Racing-Drone-p-1186057.html?rmmds=search&cur_warehouse=GWTR|Frsky R-XSR]] 
- * **Camera** : [[https://www.banggood.com/RunCam-Swift-2-13-CCD-PAL-Micro-Camera-FOV-130150165-Degree-2_5mm2_3mm2_1mm-Integrated-OSD-MIC-p-1118948.html?rmmds=search|Runcam Swift 2]] +  * **Camera** : [[https://www.banggood.com/RunCam-Swift-2-13-CCD-PAL-Micro-Camera-FOV-130150165-Degree-2_5mm2_3mm2_1mm-Integrated-OSD-MIC-p-1118948.html?rmmds=search|Runcam Swift 2]] 
- * **Vtx** : [[http://www.mateksys.com/?portfolio=vtx-hv|Matek vtx hv]] +  * **Vtx** : [[http://www.mateksys.com/?portfolio=vtx-hv|Matek vtx hv]] 
- * **Antenne** : [[https://www.banggood.com/Realacc-5_8G-5dBi-50W-Omnidirectional-Omni-FPV-Flat-Panel-Pagoda-Antenna-SMARP-SMA-p-1140659.html?rmmds=myorder&ID=224512670529634&cur_warehouse=CN|Realacc 5.8G 5dBi]]+  * **Antenne** : [[https://www.banggood.com/Realacc-5_8G-5dBi-50W-Omnidirectional-Omni-FPV-Flat-Panel-Pagoda-Antenna-SMARP-SMA-p-1140659.html?rmmds=myorder&ID=224512670529634&cur_warehouse=CN|Realacc 5.8G 5dBi]] 
 ==== BF config ==== ==== BF config ====
 + # diff
 + # version
 + # Betaflight / BETAFLIGHTF4 (BFF4) 4.0.3 Jun  1 2019 / 11:14:26 (094cfc956) MSP API: 1.41
 + # start the command batch
 + batch start
 + board_name BETAFLIGHTF4
 + manufacturer_id 
 + # name
 + name Martian II
 + # resources
 + resource SERIAL_TX 1 NONE
 + resource SERIAL_TX 11 A09
 + # timer
 + # dma
 + # mixer
 + # servo
 + # servo mix
 + # feature
 + feature SOFTSERIAL
 + # beeper
 + beeper -ON_USB
 + # beacon
 + beacon RX_SET
 + # map
 + # serial
 + serial 1 0 115200 57600 0 115200
 + serial 2 8192 115200 57600 0 115200
 + serial 30 32 115200 57600 0 115200
 + # led
 + # color
 + # mode_color
 + # aux
 + aux 0 0 0 900 1300 0 0
 + aux 1 13 1 1775 2100 0 0
 + # adjrange
 + # rxrange
 + # vtx
 + # rxfail
 + # display_name
 + # master
 + set mag_hardware = NONE
 + set baro_hardware = NONE
 + set fpv_mix_degrees = 35
 + set motor_pwm_protocol = DSHOT1200
 + set current_meter = ADC
 + set battery_meter = ADC
 + set beeper_dshot_beacon_tone = 4
 + set pid_process_denom = 1
 + set osd_vbat_pos = 2497
 + set osd_current_pos = 2519
 + set osd_mah_drawn_pos = 2488
 + set osd_warnings_pos = 14730
 + set vtx_band = 3
 + set vtx_power = 3
 + set vtx_freq = 5705
 + # profile
 + profile 0
 + set f_pitch = 90
 + set f_roll = 90
 + # rateprofile
 + rateprofile 0
 + set roll_rc_rate = 110
 + set pitch_rc_rate = 110
 + set roll_expo = 30
 + set pitch_expo = 30
 + set yaw_expo = 30
 + set roll_srate = 75
 + set pitch_srate = 75
 + set yaw_srate = 75
 + # end the command batch
 + batch end
 +==== Télémétrie ====
 +Le SmartPort du R-XSR est branché sur l'UART 1 de la FC. Mais le contrôleur F4 n'a pas d'entrée "inversée" permettant de traiter le signal inversé, le signal doit donc être inversé de manière logicielle.
 +Pour cela on assigne le pin voulu au softserial 1 :
 +  resource SERIAL_TX 11 A09
 +  save
 +Dans Betaflight on active le softserial dans la page configuration : 
 +Dans la page Port, on active le smartport sur le nouveau port "Softserial 1" qui vient d'apparaitre :
 +**Source** : [[https://oscarliang.com/betaflight-soft-serial/#invert-smartport|Oscarliang]]
 +==== Motor Beacon ====
 +Activation des bips moteurs (parce que le beeper s'est barré de la carte avec son pad), dans la page configuration, dans la section **Dshot Beacon Configuration**, sélectionner un "**Beacon tone**" et activer "**Rx_set**" pour activer les bips lorsque l'inter affecté au beeper est activé.
 +**Source** : [[https://oscarliang.com/esc-beacon-lost-model-alarm/|Oscarliang]]
 +==== Schéma de câblage ====
 +Le schéma ci-dessous regroupe tous les éléments embarqués dans le quad.
-BF 4.0.2+{{ ::betaflight_f4_wiring_diagram.jpg |}}
martian_ii.1560197913.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2019/06/10 22:18 de johan